Monday, July 20, 2015

All About: Rose

 Just outside my home is an assortment of Roses. I collect the fallen petals and spend a day creating D.I.Y.'s like lip scrubs, lotions, and  even water. Rose is a great flower to use with these beauty products because the benefits for your skin and health is incredible!

I have a new section for my blog called Herb, Tree, or Shrub; this will not only describe the featured post but also explain the benefits that come with them. For the first one,  I decided to talk about Roses! Before you say anything, I know. Roses don't fall into any of the three categories, I thought that Roses are too good of a flower to pass up. Now that I have said that, shall we begin?

Scientific Name: Rosa
Origin: Asia, North America, Europe, and northwest Africa.
Facts: There are over a hundred species. Although you may call them thorns, they are actually prickles.

Rose Oil & Flower Benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Toner: This can help reduce pores and leave your skin moisturized and glowing. 
  • Fragrance: The aroma of the flower can let off a relaxing essence. With its soothing fragrance, it is perfect for your lotions and lip balms. 
  • Antioxidant: With its high amount of Vitamin C, it can help with skin cell repairing. Thus, making it great for your sunscreen!
  • Antidepressant
  • Antiseptic
  • Antispasmodic: relieve muscle spasms, cramps, and muscle pulls.
  • Antiviral
  • Purifies the blood
  • Fades scars
  • Menstruation: Helps regulate, eases cramps, reduces pain.
  • Helps your liver
  • Promotes circulation
  • Great for headaches
  • Boosts confidence

How I Use Roses:

When I take the petals I store them in my pantry to dry out for about a week or until they are dried completely. When that is done, I make a scrub and add the rose petals into my mixture. For lotions and chapsticks, you will want to use rose water.

Rose Water:

  1. Boil the amount of water you want into a small pot.
  2. Add a handful of dried rose petals
  3. Simmer until all the color has faded out of the petals.  
  4. Poor the water and petals through a strainer so you remove the petals.
  5. With your water you can pour that into an empty glass container and throw away the petals.
  6. Let the water cool and now you have Rose water! You can store in the fridge for about a week or so.

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